
Home : : Cosmetic Services : : Facelift

Losing youthful facial contours can be caused by several factors, such as thinning skin, loss of facial fat, gravity, sun damage, smoking, and heredity. So facelift is the cosmetic surgery for the rescue that would help restore a youthful appearance to the face.

In addition to reducing sagging or folds in the cheeks and jawline, it can also improve the shape of the face. This procedure is also known as rhytidectomy.

This procedure can also fix:

  • Sagging of the skin of the face due to skin relaxation
  • Deepening of folds around the mouth and nose
  • Loss or disappearance of fat
  • Jowls forming in the jaw and the cheeks
  • Double chin or turkey neck as a result of loose skin and excess fat.

Types of Facelift:

  • Surgical Face Lift
  • Non-Surgical Face Lift

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